To the people of the West; to the people of the United States; to the people of Europe- but mainly to our people, the people of Britain- I would like to say this…
Let's think about the situation at the moment: the American and British forces, having defeated the forces of Iraq- not to mention the Taliban- are now experiencing at first hand what the Israelis have been experiencing for years.
They are experiencing the sudden attacks;
They are experiencing the suicide bombings- even of "pregnant" women;
They see the way the Arab fighters melt into the civilian population, and how they often hide behind civilians;
They see the way the Arab fighters keep their arms dumps and military bases in civilian residential areas;
Our forces see the way the Arab fighters use ambulances to transport gunmen and explosives- how they even use them as suicide vehicles;
Our forces have seen the way the Arab fighters often cynically exploit civilian casualties in the media;
Our forces have seen the way the Arab fighters intimidate and kill their own people;
Our troops are now experiencing every nasty, underhand method of waging war used by Arab fighters all over the Middle East. It is all widely covered in the media and our governments know all this. They know.
The British and the American forces are, quite rightly, on high alert and are doing everything they can to thwart and squash these attacks and to round up those responsible- with the full blessing of our governments.
At the same time, oddly enough, the US and the British governments are putting an enormous amount of pressure on the Israeli people to accept the latest “Road Map” to “peace” with a people, with a leadership and with a religion which has no intention of making peace with them but seeks their destruction; with a people that is using precisely the same tactics that they are using in Iraq. Some in Israel, in fact, are calling it “The Road Map to Auschwitz.”
The Oslo Accord failed, as they well know, so then they pushed the “Road Map”. The Road Map isn't working either so now our Governments are pushing the “Geneva initiative”as well- an initiative sponsored by private individuals without the blessing of either the Israeli or the Palestinian government!
The governments of Britain and of the United States now know very well that the Palestinian agenda is not Palestine and Israel living side by side in peace and security but a Palestine “from the River (Jordan) to the (Mediterranean) Sea” and the total destruction of the State of Israel. Anyone, who is willing to do a little research, is perfectly aware of this.
Our governments are also perfectly aware of the intense hatred for the Jews that is put about by the Palestinian media and in their mosques- with the full blessing of the Palestinian Authority. We have seen the interviews with the mothers of the suicide bombers- the mothers who tell the world how proud they are and how they pray that the rest of their children will become martyrs as well. They are also perfectly aware of the intense hatred shown by most of the Arab press towards America after September the 11th.
Our governments are perfectly aware of all this and yet they are putting intense pressure on the Israelis to accept a “peace” that would put them at a military disadvantage- just as we put pressure on the Czechs in 1938 to accept a “peace deal” that completely removed their defences- and the Czechs, at that time, had had a very powerful army with excellent defensive positions. This, of course, led to the German invasion, to World War II and to the deaths of multiple millions of people worldwide.
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain has gone down in history as a weak man, who knuckled under to Hitler's threats and tried to appease him. This view is not entirely fair. Neville Chamberlain was a decent, honorable man, who was doing his level best to avoid another blood-bath like the Great War and- like many decent men- he had absolutely no concept of Hitler's depths of evil. Not only that, but he did not have the benefit of our hindsight. He had an enomous problem to sort out and he was doing the very best he could with the experience he had up until that point in history.
"I believe that in 1938 and 1939 he (Neville Chamberlain) genuinely felt that God had sent him into this world to obtain peace. That he failed may or may not be due to the inevitable ambition of Hitler to dominate the world, but there can be little doubt that in his mental attitude Chamberlain went the wrong way about it. He decided in the early stages of his discussions to treat Hitler as a normal human being and an important human being at that..." Herbert Morrison, An Autobiography (1960)
We do not have that excuse. We know what we are doing. If we continue to put this pressure on the Israelis, knowing full well where it will probably lead, we will be in conflict with the God, who gave them the land and, if we don't stop it immediately, our nation will be under the judgment of that God.
Neville Chamberlain at least had a valid excuse; he didn't know the consequences of what he did- it was almost unprecedented in history. We don't have that excuse because we do know. If history has been hard on him, then how are the history books going to judge us. More important than that- how is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob going to judge us?
Gen 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse...
“Some people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race, which has ever appeared in the world.
“Disraeli, the Jew Prime Minister of England, and Leader of the Conservative Party, who was always true to his race and proud of his origin, said on a well-known occasion: "The Lord deals with the nations as the nations deal with the Jews."
Certainly when we look at the miserable state of Russia, where of all countries in the world the Jews were the most cruelly treated, and contrast it with the fortunes of our own country, which seems to have been so providentially preserved amid the awful perils of these times, we must admit that nothing that has since happened in the history of the world has falsified the truth of Disraeli's confident assertion.
Re. Hon. WINSTON S. CHURCHILL, The Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8th 1920
The prominent British evangelist, David Pawson, has stated in public that he hopes that he is wrong and that he is making a false prophecy but that he is convinced that God has shown him that Britain will soon become the first Islamic republic in Europe. If God has indeed spoken to him and if this prophecy is accurate, then it would be poetic justice. Our people would come under the same bondage that we wish on the Israelis- under the very same religion! (Read his excellent book “The Challenge of Islam to Christians.”)
Do we want to risk coming under the judgment of the Almighty God, who gave this land to the people of Israel and who has said clearly that they will be in the land at the end and that he will be fighting on their side? Should we take that risk or should we accept what God said in his word and stop fighting him. Should we not ease this intolerable pressure on the Israelis now and show them some understanding before it is too late?
It is not yet too late- not yet. But soon it might be. Think about it!
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